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Health in All Policies Training Toolkit

Videos by Topic

Introduction to Social Determinants of Health


Stop-motion animation demonstrating root cause analysis


Bernalillo County Office of Health and Social Services

(Low-budget) recording of live performance at 2011 NMPHA Annual Conference

Bernalillo County Office of Health and Social Services

Two men share their life stories to demonstrate the links between health and wealth. 

Jeff Webber

Graphic illustration of the connections between social determinants and health.

Wellesley Institute

"This video highlights that HEALTH is about more than access to medical care. It highlights that everyone has different opportunities for health, largely influenced by their social and economic conditions. Using this broad view of health, the video describes actions that different non-health sectors can take." 

Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit (Canada)

Made for Subury, Canada. Similar to the Chatham-Kent video above, but adds voice-over narrative, different music, and different stats examples.


The story of Andrew and Steve. It uses toy figures in a "race" affected by their life circumstances, uses quizzes, etc. This has some good stuff, but it is a bit long and only has Canadian statistics.

Jen Ng

Looking beyond the medical system to improve the health of individuals.

Public Health Ontario, Canada

Narrated by Donna and her family, describes her life to convince healthcare providers to pay attention to the social determinants of health in patients. Also includes a public health nurse home visitor who has helped them.

Journeyman Film Company (Canada)

A four-hour series exploring social determinants of health available for purchase or weekly rental here.

California Newsreel

An introduction to the basics of public health.

Public Health Wessex Training Group

Personal stories of how public health has impacted the lives of individuals. The stories are supported with data.

University of Washington School of Public Health

Levels of Racism and Racial Justice

An allegory demonstrating the ways in which institutionalized, personally-mediated, and internalized racism impact health. Story begins at 7:41.

Camara Phyllis Jones

Descriptions of the levels of racism: internalized, interpersonal, institutionalized and structural.

Race Forward

"What they did vs. what they are"

 Ill Doctrine

Early Childhood Development and Education

Brain Hero (2:59)

Board game-style animation demonstrating the importance of early childhood experiences in building healthy brain architecture and barriers to that development.

Harvard Center for the Developing Child

"The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading and the 150+ communities working with the Campaign are dedicated to narrowing the gap between children from low-income families and their more affluent peers. This video shows why that gap occurs and how we can close it."

The Campaign for Grade-level Reading

"This 5-minute video depicts a theory of change from the Frontiers of Innovation community for achieving breakthrough outcomes for vulnerable children and families. It describes the need to focus on building the capabilities of caregivers and strengthening the communities that together form the environment of relationships essential to children’s lifelong learning, health, and behavior."

Harvard Center for the Developing Child

"This documentary series and multimedia initiative by the producers of UNNATURAL CAUSES: Is Inequality Making Us Sick? explores how a strong start for all our kids leads not only to better individual life course outcomes (learning, earning and physical and mental health) but also to a healthier, safer, better educated, more prosperous, and more equitable America." One one-hour documentary and several supporting episodes, along with discussion guides are coming soon. One half-hour episode "Are We Crazy About Our Kids" is available now to watch online.

California Newsreel

Food Access

"NY Faith & Justice, Faith Leaders for Environmental Justice, and the Riverside Church partnered to address concerns about food and health disparities in New York City. They hosted a Food, Faith, and Health Disparities Summit using Everyday Democracy's dialogue-to-change process. Over 150 New Yorkers from all five boroughs convened for a day of dialogue and prioritizing actions."

Everyday Democracy

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