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Health in All Policies Training Toolkit

Articles & Reports

Social Determinants of Health


After an extensive literature review, researchers identify and describe 10 promising practices in addressing health disparities.


Sudbury and District Health Unit

Report covering various issues related to health equity.

Center for the Study of Social Policy


"This typology of policies and interventions to tackle health inequalities is based on the underlying programme theory of how the action is expected to bring about the desired change."


Margaret Whitehead;

J. Epidemiol. Community Health 2007;61;473-478 doi:10.1136/jech.2005.037242

"This paper examines this emerging paradigm and delivers a robust set of recommendations that bridge traditional disease management with more upstream preventative work that can be accomplished locally—at the community, regional, and state levels."

Prevention Institute

"This paper examines this emerging paradigm and delivers a robust set of recommendations that bridge traditional disease management with more upstream preventative work that can be accomplished at the community, regional, and state levels."

Prevention Institute

A four-page summary of the report described above.

Prevention Institute

"This paper outlines JHA’s critical health literacy model. First, we connect the goals of the WHO Commission on the SDOH and the goals of WHO health promotion experts by arguing that they are both reliant on achieving critical health literacy. Then we present our critical health literacy pedagogical framework, providing examples of activities and actions our course participants have conducted. We conclude with a brief discussion of our evaluation process."

Elizabeth Mogford, et al.

Health Promotion International doi:10.1093/heapro/daq049

"Over the last 7 years, in an attempt to understand and improve upon the policy process, the Center embarked on an educational initiative to provide Georgia legislators with a framework not only for under- standing the reasons behind Georgia’s poor health rankings, but also for changing the way they make decisions about health-related issues."

Karen J. Minyard, et al.

Health Systems (2014) 1–7 © Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved 2047-6965/14

Race and Place

"This report outlines the (1) current state of knowledge concerning segregation and health inequalities, (2) establishes a framework for understanding the interaction of place, segregation and health status, and (3) releases the findings from two new empirical studies on the correlations between residential segregation, place and health inequalities."

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

"This pilot exploratory study examines ‘‘upstream’’ antecedent factors—the social determinants of health—contributing to ‘‘downstream’’ health disparities, with a focus on disparities in T2DM risk."

Claudia Chaufan et al (2011)

J Community Health DOI 10.1007/s10900-011-9406-2

Child Health

"This paper presents a “Cliff Analogy” illustrating three dimensions of health intervention to help people who are falling off of the cliff of good health: providing health services, addressing the social determinants of health, and addressing the social determinants of equity."

CP Jones, CY Jones, Perry, Barclay, and CA Jones in Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 20 (2009): 1–12.

Food Access

This report "deepens the understanding of the inter-relationship between violence and healthy eating and physical activity, and provides guidance on identifying and promoting intersecting strategies. It highlights cross-disciplinary strategies that are being successfully implemented across the country today and delineates the pivotal roles that practitioners and advocates in the field of healthy eating and activity can play in preventing violence."

Prevention Institute

The Economic Case for Supporting Health Equity

One-page summary of key findings from the study below

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

"In this report we employ econometric analysis to estimate the direct medical costs and indirect costs to the economy of health inequalities. By doing so, we estimate the potential fi nancial benefi t that would accrue to the economy if every racial/ethnic group in the United States had similar health outcomes."

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

A two-page report making the case for maintaining funding for public health efforts

Stephen Woolf

JAMA, May 11, 2011—Vol 305, No. 18

The first analysis of state-level data on smoke-free subsidized housing and cost-savings

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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